
Corporate Wellness

Demonstrate your company's commitment to health.

Start fostering happy and healthly employees with something everyone can use, Organic Fruits and Vegetables!

We offer two exciting options for Employers in Arizona - Company Sponsored or Employee Direct

We source fresh organic fruits and vegetables each week, locally when available and deliver them directly to homes and offices. We have two different corporate wellness options to fit your needs. Our company sponsored program is the most basic. It is produce boxes purchased by the company for employee�s consumption while at work. The employee direct program is initiated by the company for its employees. It is a buying club that provides employees discounts on their orders. Keeping your employees eating healthy can increase energy and productivity in the work place while decreasing sick days organically!

The Company Sponsored Corporate Wellness Program is created and managed by the company via an online account. Number of boxes required is determined by the number of employees and by the company�s needs.

Office fruit boxes contain the following: Tiny Box 18-20 servings - $29.95, Small Box 28-32 servings - $36.95, Medium Box 38-42 servings - $46.95, Large Box 48-52 servings - $56.95. Serving size is one piece of fruit.

Payments are accepted by credit card or terms available upon completion of a credit application and approval from our company. Minimum order is a tiny box.

We deliver to offices every Monday between 9am to 4pm.

The Employee Direct Corporate Wellness Program is very simple to implement. All that is required by your corporation is to promote the program to employees. This can be done through company website, emails, newsletters, corporate wellness events, and flyers on site. We are happy to provide information for use on your company website, including a link to sign up and our logo. We will also provide flyers for distribution.

  • Our Employee program is designed to give volume discounts.

    5% off with 10 or more participants

    10% off with 50 or more participants

  • Employees sign-up via our website through the corporate wellness link.

    They then choose their company from the drop down list.

    Employees manage accounts and payment individually. There is no need for company management.

  • We do Not require a minimum number of orders.

  • Your employees can sign up for a box type and size that best fits their needs.

  • Delivery options include one-time, weekly, and every other week.

  • We have four different size boxes.

    These include, Tiny - $29.95, Small $36.95, Medium $46.95, and Large $56.95.

  • All boxes are designed to be a week�s worth of produce.

    The breakdown for the sizes is (Tiny) feeds - 1, (Small) feeds - 2, (Medium) feeds - 3, and (Large) feeds � 4 plus.

  • Individuals can choose from all fruit, all vegetables, or a mixture of both.

  • Size, type, and frequency of orders can be changed at any point to adjust to the needs of the family or individual.

  • Individuals may receive their order at home or at work.

Each week we pre-assort the boxes to give the best value. Once orders are ready customers receive an email confirmation (Friday at 12 Noon). Customers can then log into their online account to review, modify or delete orders. After reviewing the order customers have the opportunity to swap any of the produce items we have in inventory in and out of their order. Additional produce and pantry staples can also be added to orders. Boxes are fully customizable. Orders are locked in and processed 24 hours before your designated delivery day.

We usually offer between 15-20 fruits and 30-35 vegetables each week. We only source certified organic produce. We try to buy local and seasonal produce as much as possible. As a result our menu changes weekly.

Home deliveries arrive anytime between 11pm and 7am. This helps us beat the desert heat and is also very convenient for the customers. Orders are left outside the front door or in a designated area. We make home deliveries from Tuesdays to Fridays. Delivery day is determined by zip code.

Orders come in a sealed cardboard box and include icepacks during the warmer months to ensure the contents arrive in perfect condition.

Company programs with more than 10 deliveries at the office may want to have space set aside for the boxes. If security clearance is needed we will have our delivery drivers come in and get approved so that there is no interruption at your work place.

For office deliveries we will include reminder emails when orders arrive. This is nice for employees because they are able to retrieve their orders at their own convenience throughout the day from the designated drop area.

No hidden fees!

Free Delivery

No Cancellation Fee

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

For More Information Please Contact Us

Our phone number is 480-659-4290

Contact Via Email