
5 Ways to Go Green this Holiday Season

Posted on Nov. 9th 2010 2 Comments »

Many people believe that in order to help the environment, they must make drastic life changes, though that is absolutely not the case.  There are many ways you can go green by making small tweaks to your everyday lifestyle.  With the holidays right around the corner, living green may be the last thing on your mind.  But, it is easier than you think to go green during the holidays!  Here are five simple ways to reduce your carbon footprint this holiday season.

Eco-friendly Cards
Though holiday cards are a great way to spread holiday cheer, they are not the most eco-friendly way to do so.  Everyone has an e-mail address these days, so sending e-cards is a great option.  Sending e-cards is a great way to reach out to loved ones during the holidays without killing trees.  Still like the idea of sending an actual card?  Buy greeting cards made from recycled paper.

Decorations from Nature
Decorating for the holidays is a tradition that will never get over-looked.  However, there are many ways to use nature as a muse when you decorate this year.  Decorate with pinecones, fresh fruit or old holiday cards.  If you want to purchase decorations, choose handmade pieces made from natural materials with little to no packaging.

LED Lighting
Purchase LED lights to light your tree, as they save between 85 and 90 percent of energy, while lasting up to 200,000 hours.  Be sure to consider using LED lights for your entire holiday ensemble, inside and out! That way you can feel good about the your holiday light show efforts.

Shop Local
By purchasing gifts and other goods locally, you are saving on transportation and packaging expenses, both environmental and monetary.    As an added bonus, by supporting local business you are putting money back into your local economy.

Creative Gift Giving
Get in touch with your creative side this holiday season and give homemade gifts.  Since you will be putting time and effort into the present, it will mean that much more.  Also, by making your own gifts you are able to personalize presents according to who is receiving it. Save money and the environment and give gifts from the heart.

What green living tips do you have for the holiday season?

Posted by Abby Gilmore | in Green Living

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