Frequently Asked Questions
1. Are all your products certified organic?
We will never sell any conventional or as we like to call it “Chemical” produce. We specialize in organics but also work with “Natural” farmers. They grow under organic standard but have neglected to pay the high cost of certification. Occasionally, we work with “Transitional” farmers who are in the process of attaining organic certification. Their produce isn’t certified organic but has been produced under the guidelines for sustainable farming. All produce sold will be clearly identified.
2. Where does my produce come from each week?
We purchase from a variety of different sources for each individual week. This allows us to ensure that we are getting the best possible produce. Due to the volatility of the industry, additional produce may need to be attained at the last minute due to weather, crop problems or increased demand from customers. For this reason, it�s difficult for us to give full details of where each item in your box comes from. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to send us an email or give us a call. We would love to talk!
3. What is Transitional Farming?
In order for a conventional farmer to convert to the organic classification, they must operate the farm for at least three years under organic standards. This is prior to certification. The produce that the farm sells for those three years cannot be sold as organic. Establishing this sustainable farming program is very costly for the farmer.
This is the hardest part for the Transitional farmer. Organic methods provide smaller yields than there conventional counterpart. So the farmer is stuck with less of a harvest and must continue to charge the �chemical� price. This is where we here at Natures Garden Delivered can really make a great impact. We support the Transitional farmer.
4. Why don’t you offer every type of produce like a supermarket?
Supermarkets generally require their suppliers to guarantee a year-round supply of produce. These suppliers are then required to locate product worldwide, transporting the good by what ever means necessary. In our minds, this isn�t the best method for the environment. We try to buy seasonal items that are fresher and tastier because they get from the farm to your door in a much shorter timeframe. They don�t need to be shipped across the world therefore, decreasing the fruit�s carbon footprint. We try to minimize transportation as much as possible. This is the main reason why we don�t have a full selection of fruits and vegetables. If there is something that you would like to see on the menu, please let us know and we will try to make it available when it is in season.
5. Why do you sometimes use plastic clamshells?
Some fragile produce requires protection for transportation. We try to use only green packaging. In some cases, no green alternative is presently available. An example would include tomatoes. Without protection, they would be bruised and smashed by the time they arrived at your doorstep. Same also holds true for small berries. If you know of a better �Green� option, please let us know!
6. What do I do with the shipping materials?
Most of the items that you receive with your box are recyclable.
Leave these items outside in your special spot a day before your next delivery. Your driver will collect them:
- Cardboard boxes (please keep dry, and leave out one at a time. Thank you)
- Gel packs (place in box for pick up)
- Plastic bag (place in box and we will recycle all returned bags.)
- Plastic Clamshells (place in your own recycling or place it in your box and we will recycle it for you.)